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Faeries Oracle

Card 46 - The Friends

Friendship. Support. Aid.

The one on top is Faery Nuff, and I've already told you all that he wants me to say about him in the introduction to Part Two. He and Laochan, his highspeed friend beneath, are the best of friends and can nearly always be found together. Call upon Faery Nuff, and you get Laochan as well. And when you need support or to better understand true friendship, do call upon them. As children, we all have faery playmates and faery guardians. As we grow older, the pressure of parents and others in our community often nag us into blocking our visions of and communications with the faeries. Faery Nuff and Laochan can help us go back to that childlike trust in the faeries and to renew our forgotten friendships with them. They can also often help us to learn more about the true meaning of friendship:

Hands outstretched reach across the
rushing water -
you steady me, l steady you on the
slippery rocks
of time. Hands reaching,
giving ... and giving in return.
I am so grateful to you for being there.
I could never have managed alone.

Starter Reading

Friendly cooperation with others is necessary to reach mutual goals. Willingness to give and receive assistance and support is also required. Ask friends for help and suggestions, listen with respect, and accept the gifts willingly offered. Unconditional receiving is even more difficult than unconditional giving. Four feet are more stable than two.

Alternatively, Faery Nuff and Laochan may be saying that you will benefit at this time from offering support and aid to a friend. Look around you. Someone you love may be needing your help and be too bound up by fear of rejection or pride to ask. Volunteer your help to your friends and give unconditionally from a generous, loving heart. It will do you good, increasing your store of credit for help in time of need, and it might even help them.


When you stand this card on its head, Faery Nuff gets tangled up in himself and thinks he is Naught Faery Nuff. Things don't go well then. There may be spats, misunderstandings, and disagreements. He and his friend may quarrel over nothing much and rifts may occur. It is time to sort things out. Call in Honesty and his good friend, Tact. Get things back in balance and the right way up with serious, loving discussions. Cultivate your friendships, and plant the seeds for new ones. You need your friends, so don't let misunderstandings or touchiness (yours or theirs) get in the way. Reopen your heart to them, and give them reason to reopen their hearts to you. Like the apostle Paul wrote, "Love is patient and kind."

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